NGO Registration

NGO Registration

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NGO Registration

Registering an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Pakistan involves a specific process and follows certain legal requirements. If you’re looking to establish an NGO for social welfare and charitable initiatives, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps involved in NGO registration.

Here are the general steps to register an NGO in Pakistan:

  • Choose the Type of NGO:

Determine the type of NGO you want to establish. It could be a charitable organization, a non-profit organization, or a society for social welfare, among others.

  • Select a Name:

Choose a unique name for your NGO. Ensure that the name is not already taken by another organization.

  • Draft the Memorandum and Articles of Association:

Prepare the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA). These documents outline the objectives, structure, and regulations of your NGO.

  • Board of Governors/Trustees/Members:

Formulate a governing body or board of trustees/members who will be responsible for running the NGO and making important decisions.

  • Office and Address:

Decide on a registered office address for your NGO within the district where you intend to register it.

  • Prepare Required Documents:

Gather all the necessary documents, which typically include:

  • Copy of MOA and AOA
  • List of board members/trustees
  • Office address verification
  • Copy of CNIC (Computerized National Identity Cards) of board members
  • Passport-sized photographs of board members
  • Any other supporting documents required by the concerned authorities.
  • Submit Application:

Submit the application for NGO registration to the relevant government department. The

registration authority may vary depending on the type and scope of the NGO.

  • Review and Approval:

The government authorities will review your application and supporting documents. They may conduct an inspection or interview before granting approval.

  • Obtain a Registration Certificate:

If your application is approved, you will receive a registration certificate for your NGO.

  • Open Bank Account:

Once registered, you can open a bank account in the name of your NGO for conducting financial transactions.


Discover how to register an NGO in Pakistan with ease. Follow the step-by-step guide to establish your organization for social welfare and charitable initiatives